Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统  泰安市商务局 Top Ten Industries(十大产业) The health care and old-age services industry
The health care and old-age services industry
2021年12月07日 浏览量:

The health care and old-age services industry in Tai’an boasts unique natural endowments in that Tai’an, with forest coverage up to 39.5%, is reputed for its elegant environment, and superior air quality, and boasts four “Chinese forest oxygen bars” of Mount. Taishan, Mount. Culai, Mount. Lianhua, and Mount. Niushan, and three national wetland parks. Tai’an has rich medical resources, owning seven top-level hospitals and three medical colleges. The internet-based “We Doctor” intelligent medical project is now settling in Tai’an, forming up a “Wuzhen in South China, and Tsishan in North China” layout of internet-based hospitals. Its pharmaceutical industry is also beginning to take shape, and CBPO is now the biggest individual blood products producer in China, taking a share of 12% in Chinese market. JEWIM PHARM is the biggest aerosol and nebula producer in China that has the most diversified products. Jiantong Biology has its own independent genetic recombined human albumin project, and internationally advanced core patented technology. The old-age services industry is now rapidly developing. Supported by the favorable ecological resources of Mount. Taishan, Mount. Culei and the Dawen River, Tai’an is speeding up its old-age services industry, witnessing a tach of rising distinctive industrial projects like Taishan Health Valley, Taishan Medical Care Center, Nuolai Great Health Medical Care Industrial Base, Lushang Taishanyou and so on a great batch of distinctive old-age care industry projects. Next, to reach the goal of “Healthy Tai’an”, we will vigorously introduce leading enterprises, bulding up a medical-care industrial base in the east of Mount. Taishan, and a bio-pharmaceutical industrial cluster in the South, sparing no efforts in building a full-life circle medical-care health industrial chain covering bio-pharmaceutical, medical health,  and old-age services, building up an internationally well-known medical-care and recreation brand themed “life preservation in Tai’an, and health preservation in Taishan”.