Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统  泰安市商务局 Top Ten Industries(十大产业) The new generation IT industry
The new generation IT industry
2021年12月07日 浏览量:

The new generation IT industry is an emerging industry to be fostered as a priority in Tai’an, made up of a great batch of leading enterprises like Langchao Cheeloosoft, LGSOFT, DHC, and CCRC. Over the years, we have successively helped many R&D teams to settle down here, like the “Taishan Office” R&D team led by Ni Guangnan that is committed to building independent Chinese basic office software, and academician Shen Changxiang’s workstation introduced by Cloudsky Sec that has practically cooperated with the State Encryption Administration, Beijing University of Post & Telecommunications, Beihang University and 360 Group, to build a big and strong network information security industry in Tai’an. Huawei “Urban Industrial Could” has also settled down in the High-Tech Zone, adding strong momentum to the cloud computing big data industry in Tai’an. Tai’an Political & Legal Big Data Industrial Park, and Jucheng Future IT Industry Park a great many good projects have signed agreements to make Tai’an their home. Next, we will make use of our advantageous location as a pace to take some industries in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, and as part of Jinan Economic Coordination Development, and speed up our capacity in the new generation of IT industry, and build up 3-4 competitive advantageous industrial clusters in applied electronics, big data, premium video, high-end software and Chinese independent security products, as a new engine to drive economic growth.